Sunday, August 5, 2012


Hello World.

I’m sorry it’s been more than a week since I’ve last talked to you but a lot has been happening and none of it has been good.  I didn’t go see Dr. Joyce the day after my outburst.  My parents were very concerned about my behavior as I had kept myself locked up in my room the entire day and would only open it when mom brought me food.  Dr. Joyce called me several times and I answered none of the calls.  She left about two or three messages and then she finally called the house phone.  My parents talked to her on the phone and though it’s illegal for her to discuss anything that she and I talk about during our sessions, she did advise my parents to check on me because of the whole nosebleed incident.  They did check up on me but I never let them inside my room.

Throughout the rest of the week I would come out of my room to eat and to go for walks.  I was almost never home and my parents called every hour to make sure that I was okay and that I wasn’t lying somewhere dead in a ditch.  I don’t like being home anymore, and it’s not just because my parents are there always bothering me.  I don’t really feel safe there anymore.  I feel much safer outside in the World.  I’ve been having nightmares almost every night now.  I still wouldn’t say I get scared but the dreams are kind of unsettling now.  I can see the thing that follows me in my dreams now.  There are no more ‘out of the corner of my eye’ black and white figures anymore.  I can tell that it’s a man.  A very tall man, taller than anyone I’ve ever encountered in my life.  He is always dressed formally in a pitch black suit and tie.  He has very long arms, like abnormally long arms.  They aren’t proportionate to the rest of his body and the same goes for his long legs.  The strangest and I think the thing that is unsettling to me is his face…or rather lack of.  It’s just white.  Nothing else is there, yet I can tell he is always looking at me.  He follows me wherever I go in my dreams as if he’s watching over me or something.  Perhaps I should consider that he’s stalking me…but for some reason I don’t feel like he wants to do any harm.  I’ve never seen anything like him before anywhere.  I don’t really know how I could dream up something like him if I’ve never seen him before.
I’ve been wanting to call Riley and tell him everything that has been going on but for some reason I don’t think that I should tell him about my dreams.  I’m not sure why, Riley has only ever helped me in the past why shouldn’t he now?  Oh well.  I’ll have to call him soon anyway if I want him to help me find a job. 

Hopefully I’ll find one soon so I can get out of my parent’s house.


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