Saturday, August 18, 2012


Hello World.

My first week of work was great!  The couple who owns the craft shop is really nice and they were more than happy to help me with any questions I had about the job.  They made sure that I was doing everything correctly and if I didn’t quite get something right they would nicely explain to me how it would be done correctly.  Everything was so easy after the first two days.  I didn’t really have to talk to anyone who walked in the shop unless the shopkeepers were busy and they had a question about where to find something. 

My birthday was yesterday.  It was so much fun!  Riley bought a bottle of white wine to celebrate and we had a mini party in his apartment.  He had decorated the whole place while I was at work and when I came home he blew confetti in my face and screamed ‘Happy Birthday!’  I had to tell him to shut up because the last thing we needed was for one of his neighbors to complain about noise.  He immediately grabbed my arm and brought me to my bedroom, which was pitch black by the way because he had covered my windows with blankets to keep out any sunlight. He closed the door behind us to make it even darker so I couldn’t see anything.  The next thing I knew he turned on the lights and I found myself staring into two teeny little eyes and a twitching nose.  He had bought me a ferret for my birthday!  I’m not going to lie, I was squealing with excitement for at least two minutes straight.  It was really embarrassing now that I think back, but I don’t care because I have my very own pet!  Riley informed me that it’s a girl so aside from sharing the bottle of wine he bought us and an endless time of video games and music, I spent most of the night trying to come up with a name for her.  By the time we ended up going to bed which was very early this morning, I had decided on naming her Justine.  I remember playing a horror game that I really enjoyed sometime last year and I loved the name so that’s what I ended up calling her.

Right now Justine is crawling around on my shoulders as I type all of this.  She’s extremely friendly and loves to paw through all of my short hair wishing she could somehow make a nest out of it.  Until I get her potty trained though, she can only be out of her cage for an hour or so at a time.  If she stays out any longer than that she’ll have an accident on the floor.  Next weekend Riley and I are going to take her to the vet to get her checked out and to get her the shots she needs.

This week has been very good.  I hope things can stay this way.

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