Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hello World.

I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you all.  Once again I’ve been bombarded by a LOT of shit.  Therefore I’m going to make these next two entries in parts.  This is going to be Part 1.  Anyway going back to when I was talking to Carolyn, like I said I had talked to her and informed her of Riley’s disappearance although I tried my best to leave out the details of the Tall Man and killing the man and her own mother.  Unfortunately this proved to be extremely difficult and she caught on to my lack of information very quickly.  I ended up telling her about the Tall Man after and when I first mentioned him her face grew slightly pale and she swallowed nervously.  By the time I was finished telling her ALMOST the full story, she was silent for a little while.  At first I feared that she didn’t believe me but I knew that wasn’t the case.  Not with the way she reacted.  She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment before speaking.
“I believe you.”
This was beginning to sound like the conversation I had with Riley before he disappeared.  As a paranoid reaction I looked around the room to make sure the Tall Man wasn’t anywhere near.  I didn’t see him.  Carolyn then began to explain what had happened to her after I wasn’t allowed to see her as a child.  Her family was very upset with me and my parents even though it was deemed an accident.  Carolyn was scared and hated me at first but after they moved away from us she began to remember seeing the Tall Man with me that day and told herself that it was his fault.  Sometimes she would think that she saw the Tall Man throughout the rest of her childhood years but when she would really look there would be nothing there.  As she grew older he went away and she didn’t see him anymore until once recently.  She saw him one night outside her bedroom window, watching her.  She tried to tell herself it wasn’t real but every time she would go back to her window he would be there.  I then realized that the night she saw him was the same night I had killed her mother.  I didn’t really know what to think.  I sort of hated myself for not feeling sorry about the whole thing but I couldn’t help it.  I tried to feel something…anything…I could not.  She noticed that I wasn’t exactly focused on what she was saying and said my name a few times to grab my attention.  Carolyn then continued to explain that her mother and father had gone through a really bad divorce and her father wouldn’t leave them alone.  Things ended up getting really bad so they moved and even changed their names.  Carolyn’s name for the past five years has been Tasha.  I quickly apologized for using her ‘old’ name but she smiled and told me it was fine and that it was sort of refreshing to hear her real name as even her mother called her Tasha all the time.  We talked a little while longer before I finally asked the question that had been nagging at the back of my mind.  I asked her if I could stay with her for a while.  I’d been jumping around from random buildings and backyards for weeks ever since I stopped wasting money on cheap motels.  The nights had gotten way too cold to be sleeping outside and I feared that Justine would catch the flu.  Tasha told me that I was more than welcome to stay in her home for as long as I needed to and that even if I left I was always welcome back.  She then mentioned that this offer only lasted until her mother returned from a sudden business trip that was stretching on longer than expected.  I paused nervously for half a second and then smiled.
“Of course.”
I hugged her and thanked her for her hospitality and she showed me where I would be sleeping.

It felt good to finally have someone to talk to, and somewhere warm to sleep for a change.


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