Sunday, November 25, 2012


Hello World.
I know this video might have left you somewhat confused but let me try to explain.
With much effort over the past few weeks I managed to track down where Carolyn lived.  I decided to sneak into her house and try to gather anything useful that I could find.  I was under the impression that I was supposed to find something since when I killed Carolyn’s mother all that the Tall Man left me was her photo.  There had to be something, besides I had no other leads to follow up on as far as the search for Riley went so I figured, why the fuck not?
So I entered the house through the garage which wasn’t locked and I went straight upstairs to find Carolyn’s room.  In her room I grabbed her camera and figured I would document my finds through video footage which is what you see above.  I stayed in her house all day as you could also see in the footage.  I’m not sure why I stayed that long…I didn’t think that I had.  When I went out back into the shed I again, didn’t find anything of use.  It was literally just a bunch of tools and shit, so I went to go back into the house to go out through the garage so that no one would know of my entry at all.  However just as I was about to open the back door, Carolyn came home.  I waited for her to leave the room so I could get to the garage door but when I turned the corner she came at me with a gun.  She didn’t recognize me and I couldn’t have really expected her to I mean, we hadn’t seen each other since we were little kids.  I turned off the camera quickly and raised my hands in the air.  I didn’t say anything at first.  We just sort of stared at each other for a few moments.  I finally found my words and calmly told her, “Relax Carolyn, It’s me…Willow.”
She gave me a really strange look and quickly asked, “How do you know that name?  That’s not my name anymore!”
I could see I was only making her more nervous, so I tried telling her who I was again.  She finally recognized me and somewhat lowered the gun in her hands.
“Willow…what are you doing here?  How did you get here?” Her tone of voice was slowly calming down.
I explained to her everything that had happened with Riley and that I was here on a lead and I told her nothing else.  She had lowered the gun by this point and she stared at me suspiciously for a few moments before telling me to stay where I was.  She left the room and came back a few seconds later without the gun. 
We talked after that, but right now I don’t have the time to put it all on here so I’ll leave it for my next entry.

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