Friday, April 5, 2013


Hello World.

I’m sorry about the abrupt upload with no explanation as to what happened at all.  I feel like shit, and I look like shit….which is why I’m not speaking to you in a video entry.  The footage in entry THIRTYONE is actually from two weeks ago, and I’m only just now putting it out there for you all to see because I have been so incredibly tired and I feel awful.  I have been keeping myself locked in my room ever since the Tall Man came to take Tasha away from me.  Which by the way yes that was what happened.  Tasha and I had gone out to the craft store to buy supplies to make glow jars.  We ran out of glow paint and had to run out to the store to get some.  When we came back He was there and He wanted to take her away from me.  I screamed at Him and told Him that He couldn’t have her, that I needed her.  When questioned why I told Him that I needed her to help me and that if He took her away from me I wouldn’t be able to help Him with the people He was having me collect.  He didn’t like the idea but I tried my best to stand firm and He eventually left as quickly as he came.  Tasha was completely out when I turned to her and she was so weak when she woke up but surprisingly and thankfully she has gone from her state of tiredness and exhaustion over the past few months to being completely fine again.  I really can’t say the same for myself…but I’m sure it’s because I haven’t collected anyone for Him in such a long time. 

Aside from how terrible I’ve felt ever since then, I’ve been getting emails from someone with an untraceable source.  Tasha suspects public computers and several of them but she tried and tried but was unable to get any personal information out of the account being used.  She isn’t even sure how this person is sending me emails because they don’t even have a username it’s just the part with nothing before it.  Anyway, this person was sending me blank emails at first which greatly confused me and I assumed it was just Gmail fucking up but then they started sending me video files of several different places in Colorado.  Only recently have I found that these video files are from vacations I spent with Riley and my family.  None of these videos were accompanied by text and it makes me uneasy to think about who might be sending them to me.  In a way it’s sick and I don’t want to look at any more of these videos of Riley.  This person obviously knows more than I do about where he is but I cannot do anything about it.  For now these videos are sitting in a folder in my computer and I’ll get around to putting them together to show you all but…I just need a little bit longer to rest.  

I know that my condition will not change until I’ve killed again…and it’s enraging.


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