Monday, January 21, 2013


Hello World.

I’ve been making a little bit of progress on figuring out information pertaining to the Tall Man.  I went to Tasha two days after my last entry and asked her about the boy I killed.  She remembered his missing person’s story on the news and told me that he was someone from her neighborhood and that he was a senior at the high school that was about 5 minutes away from her house.  I apologize for not being specific but you have to understand I’m trying to stay away from giving up my exact location in case anyone comes looking for me.  I’ve only just started finding answers to questions and I can’t afford to be locked away now. 
Getting back to my conversation with Tasha, she became slightly frustrated with me as I kept asking more questions about the boy.  She finally ended up telling me that if she could get me more information about him, I’d have to stop asking about him.  I agreed, not sure of what she was planning and then she disappeared in her room for the rest of the afternoon and night.  The following day around noon she came to me with a few papers, all of them having a decent amount of information, most of it being personal, about the kid.  She then proceeded to explain to me everything she had found.  There was quite a bit about the boy’s school life and then she started to tell me about his medical documents.  I didn’t interrupt her when she began telling me about this part of her findings even though I was extremely confused as to how she was able to acquire such confidential documents.  I noticed that in quite a few of the boy’s medical visits, he was apparently showing similar symptoms that Tasha’s mother was claiming she had in the medical papers that we went over at the park.  After she was finished speaking I pondered all of what she told me for a few moments before asking her how she found all of this.  She simply explained to me that she ‘had her ways’ and that I shouldn’t worry about it too much. 
Considering her grade point average in school’s that she attended and how much money her family had I’m just going to assume that ‘her ways’ are code words for ‘I have a secret life of successful and experienced hacking on the side of normality’.  After all, I have noticed her superiority with computers since I’ve been here with her.
Anyway, overall the boy and Tasha’s mother showed similarities with their health and behavior at some point in their lives, the boy being more recent than Tasha’s mother.  So I can only assume that these things are a result of being followed, stalked, haunted, whatever you want to call it, by this Tall Man.  I am now left wondering why I’m being followed by this Man.  Why does he not take me away with the others?  It’s becoming painfully obvious that he needs me to do his ‘dirty work’.  I can’t give you any other reason for my behavior when he shows up…when I get that itch…that ringing in my ears.  It’s not like he’s controlling me but…at the same time he is.  I know what I’m doing, I feel every touch and I remember it all.  I just don’t want to stop myself.  I don’t care.  I feel nothing emotionally towards what I’m doing.  I want to stop…but why?  I don’t want to say I enjoy it but what else can I say?  I guess you could say I find it intriguing.  As I always have.  I can’t remember a time in my life when I have never felt intrigued by hurting others. 

Maybe it’s His fault?


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