Friday, September 6, 2013


Hello World.

This morning the doorbell rang.  When I went to answer it Tasha was already at the door with a kid who looked to be about eleven or twelve.  They both looked at me and there was a short awkward silence before Tasha turned to thank him and close the door.  She turned to face me and I took a seat on the stairs while she handed me an envelope. 
“This is apparently for you.” She continued to stand there but I didn’t want to open it in front of her.
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” She said and I gave her a confused look.
“What isn’t a good idea?” I asked.
“This whole cult thing.  I don’t think you should be getting involved with people who can break into my house whenever they feel like it.”
“Look I’m sorry about that, but I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again okay?”
She sighed and shook her head slightly.  I could tell that she was really nervous about everything going on lately, but I didn’t have any doubts that I could keep these people away from her.  After all I convinced the Tall Man to stay away from her, I’m sure cultists are no problem compared to an other-worldly being. 
“I know that you’re going to ignore my advice, but all I’m saying is, don’t be quick to trust them just because they appear to be ‘friendly’ now.”  With that sentence she left the room and I returned upstairs to my room. 
I’ve been sitting on my floor for about an hour staring at the envelope on my desk trying to figure out whether or not I really want to open it.  Well rather if I should open it.  I know I want to get more answers I’m just not sure if this is the right way to go about getting them.  However I keep reminding myself that Riley may have been involved with these people too at one point and if he was still alive then they couldn’t be too dangerous.  I don’t trust them but for the time being they aren’t hostile. 
For now I’m just going to wait.  I think I’ll take Justine outside to run around for a bit and maybe after that I’ll open it. 

I’ll most likely record my findings so expect my next entry to be a video.


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